Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair...

So who knew Rodgers and Hammerstein had some good advice:

If a man don't understand you
If you fly on separate beams
Waste no time, make a change
Ride that man right off your range
Rub him out of the roll call
And drum him out of your dreams

I don't really want to blog about the exact details - let's just say, I'm older and wiser. I'm done wasting my time on hopeless causes. Oh, and what is it about men with dead mothers (RIP) being drawn to me - am I that good a Mommie? God help me!

I'm looking forward to all the excitment I never knew dating brings. Even with the drama, it's nice not to dive head first without looking to see if there is water filling the pool.

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