Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Gift

The perfect gift. Really? A birthday the same month as Christmas? It just isn't fair! I mean, I've had to go through this my whole life with my mom...and now with a boyfriend? Yikes! And not just any boyfriend, not one who a simple sweater or latest gadget would do...I have a boyfriend who's far more clever and creative than that (or deserves more than that - he'd be grateful for whatever I get).

The icing on this gift-quest problem? He's off somewhere doing something for a Christmas surprise for me! I really feel like an ass. Don't get me wrong - this isn't the first I've looked or thought about what-to-do (then I'd really win girlfriend from hell)...I just feel like I'm hitting dead ends. It'll be great - at least I already have the Christmas idea covered!

No stress...really....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cheers and Jeers

I've been failing miserably at posting in any sort of regular pattern. I'm on the hunt for a job, fighting colds, being a good mommy, and a friend to those in need.

Here are my thoughts:
Yay Obama! Boo to the ecomony! Yay for silly movies that give me a mid-week break (and a hot date!) Boo for job hunting - alongside the countless others that have currently lost their jobs! Yay for only a few weeks left in the semester! Boo to losing my health insurance at the end of said semester!

Lots more dishes to do...and I'm still a week behind on reading my essays...