Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting it all out my head

Turning the page, she reads old words - written in her own hand - but who is she now? Surely not the same woman she was then. Divorce is an ugly word - a long process, a deep division of things: possessions; emotions; memories. Yesterday, it would have been 6 years. I was so lonely last night - I created a bed partner - not of plastic - but out of the images in my head of years of wonderful lovers. I wanted a snuggle - canoodling, remember that?

Oh the choice I've made for my life. Such a divide - the right thing, with such harsh consequences. I do enjoy this new freedom...creating a dinner of cereal and J*nior M*nts; reading until my eyes are droopy at night; curling up with Bug whenever the mood strikes.

I am going to be fine.

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