Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ON again off again

I'm back on the WW wagon. I went to a meeting with ww J last week and discovered I'm six pounds away from where I started the first time! (At least it's six pounds less) I can't believe I did this again - I can believe it - I don't think when I start gorging...I just shovel and shovel and shovel. This time it was cookies; I ate (without exaggeration) three dozen cookies in two days. Five dozen in the course of a week. I have a cookie issue. I also have a food wasting issue. I shoved a stale cookie in my mouth and after chewing most of it - spit it into the garbage - I realized it was gross, and sending it off to Africa to feed a child isn't the answer here.

I'm examining my food issue (again)...this time I want to look at waste. My guilt over "wasting" food. I have some help on the wagon this time - J (and ww J- confusing?) are my life lines to sanity.

This is only day three. I can climb back down this hill.

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